Greta Thunberg joins hundreds at strike in Stockholm demanding action on climate crisis

(19 Apr 2024)


Stockholm – 19 April 2024
1. Various of demonstrators participating in global climate strike with placards and banners
2. Mid of climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting into megaphone (Swedish): "What do you want? Climate justice. What do we want? Climate justice. When. Now. When. Now”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Aditri Das, 9, elementary school student:
"I just want them (politicians) to listen. Many young people, like I also know this feeling, they don’t get listened (to). They’re just left out because they are younger. But I need, we need the adults to listen, not only for kids but for their kids and for their kids and for all their futures.”
4. Protester dressed as fictional character, Pippi Longstocking
5. Close of placard reading (Swedish) "1.5℃ fair climate transformation based on science"
6. Various of protesters
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Saralie Sernhede, protester:
"We need our politicians to take responsibility, of course and there are always discussions between system change and individual change, and I think we need a little bit of both – both top-down and bottom-up initiatives and actions to face this climate crisis together. But also collective action, coming together as a community, things like this."
8. Mid of protester shouting (Swedish): "What do we want? Climate justice."
9. Close of placard reading (English): "Don’t Burn My Future"
10. Pan of protesters shouting (Swedish): "Join the ranks and start walking. Don’t stand there and watch. Join the ranks and start walking."
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Birger Eneroth, protester:
"I think that if we have global warming, it will be much more destruction and conflicts between people and perhaps it also will be more wars."
12. Various of protesters
13. Wide of banners hung over railngs
Climate activist Greta Thunberg joined hundreds of demonstrators at a strike in Stockholm on Friday, demanding sweeping reforms to address the climate crisis.

Among the protesters was 9-year-old elementary school pupil Aditri Das, who chose to skip school to join the demonstration.

Aditri said that she wants politicians to hear her voice as she feels left out by them in this climate crisis.

"We need the adults to listen, not only for kids but for their kids and for their futures," the 9-year-old said.

Aditri’s father, who also participated in the strike, expressed his support for her decision to skip class, emphasizing that participating in climate strikes can provide valuable lessons as important as those learned in school.

AP video shot by Chisato Tanaka


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