Daily briefing by China MOFA spokesperson

(19 Apr 2024)
Beijing – 19 April 2024
Spokesperson: Lin Jian
Duration: 6’15

1. An explosion occurred today in the central Iranian province of Isfahan, according to official Iranian media. U.S. officials later told the media that Israel had carried out the attack. What is China’s comment on these reports?

We noted the relevant report. We oppose any actions that lead to the escalation of tensions.

2. The Iranian foreign minister told his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi earlier this week that Iran has no intention of further escalating tensions in the Middle East. Given the latest attack and rising tensions, will China engage further with all parties in the Middle East like Israel?

China opposes any actions that lead to the escalation of tensions and will continue to play a constructive role in easing the tensions.

3. The United States on Thursday voted against a Palestinian request to the United Nations Security Council for full U.N. membership, blocking the world body’s recognition of a Palestinian state. What is China’s comment?

As early as 2011, Palestine submitted the application for a full membership of the UN, but it was shelved by the Security Council due to opposition from the U.S. Thirteen years later, this application has been rejected once again due to the U.S. veto. The Palestinian people’s decades-long dream has been ruthlessly shattered, and history and the world will remember the U.S.’s actions of turning back the wheel of history.
The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused a severe humanitarian crisis. Despite the U.S. veto of Palestine’s application to become a full member of the UN, the urgent calls from the regional people for an immediate ceasefire cannot be denied, the basic humanitarian needs of Gaza civilians cannot be denied, and the international community’s common aspiration for a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue cannot be denied.
The international community must fully implement relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, fully respect the will of the Palestinian people, return to the correct track of the two-state solution and establish an independent Palestinian state as soon as possible. Only in this way, can the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel be achieved, the harmonious coexistence of the Arab and Jewish peoples be achieved, and lasting peace in the Middle East be achieved.
China has been on the side of peace, justice, and conscience on the issue of Palestine. We firmly support Palestine’s becoming a full member of the UN and will continue to work with all relevant parties to make unremitting efforts and contribute constructively to ease the Gaza conflict, alleviate the humanitarian situation, and promote the implementation of the two-state solution.

4. Recently, the United States has continued to hype the topic of "overcapacity" in China. What further comments does the spokesperson have on the issue of "overcapacity"?

The theory of so-called China’s overcapacity put forward by the U.S. seems to be an economic concept, but what is behind it is the malicious intention to contain and suppress China’s industrial development to seek a more favorable competitive position and market advantage the U.S. It is blatant economic coercion and bullying.

The relevant remarks made by the U.S. are completely unfounded, damaging to China-U.S. economic and trade relations, and contrary to the consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries at the San Francisco meeting. China is deeply concerned and strongly dissatisfied about this.

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