Security on the streets of Capri as G7 foreign ministers gather

(18 Apr 2024)

Capri – 18 April 2024
1. Police officer walking in street
2. Italy’s carabinieri military police in front of hotel
3. Police on street as tourists walk past
4. Various of police in the streets, people
5. Top shot of Capri island
6. Journalist speaking in front of camera
7. "G7" ice cream in one of the town’s ice cream shops
8. Owner of ice cream shop eating ice cream
9. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Giovanna Buonocore, owner of ice cream shop:
“The reason for this ice cream is that it represents Capri with all its flavors from oranges to lemons, strawberries, mint. All fresh flavors. All flavors from kilometer zero. The tree for peace on top is because we’re wishing for peace in the whole world. I truly hope for this.”
10. Police outside the ice cream shop
11. Tourists taking selfie
12. Wide of coastline of Capri Island
13. Time-lapse shot of Faraglioni, rock formations off Capri Island
Italy’s military police were deployed on Thursday on the streets of the resort island of Capri as the Group of Seven foreign ministers meet to discuss the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Police stood in the Italian island’s narrow alleyways and in front of the G7 conference venue but did not stop tourists from walking by or taking selfies.

Under Italy’s stewardship of the rotating presidency, the G7 leaders are expected to issue a united call for Israel to exercise restraint after Iran’s unprecedented weekend attack.

Russia’s two-year war in Ukraine is also high on the agenda, with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg invited to the Capri meeting as guests.

AP video shot by Luigi Navarra
Production by Trisha Thomas


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