Israel, Iran, Ukraine at top of G7 agenda: AP explains

(18 Apr 2024)

Capri, Italy – 17 April 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Trisha Thomas, Associated Press:
“We are here on the beautiful island of Capri, just off the coast of Naples. It once used to be the playground for Roman emperors. It is not going to be a playground for anyone this week. The G7 foreign ministers are meeting here to discuss some of the thorniest problems facing the world right now.”
2. Wide of Capri ++OVERLAID OVER SHOTS 1 & 3++
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Trisha Thomas, Associated Press:
“The G7 is made up of the United States, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan.”
4. G-7 flags ++OVERLAID OVER SHOT 3++
5. Security on Capri ++OVERLAID OVER SHOT 7++
6. Boats in Marina Grande in Capri ++OVERLAID OVER SHOT 7++
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Trisha Thomas, Associated Press:
“Top of their agenda will be talking about Israel and Iran and the crisis between the two, trying to find a way to de-escalate and limit any retaliation that Israel intends to do.”
8. Military boat ++OVERLAID OVER SHOT 9++
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Trisha Thomas, Associated Press:
“They also have Ukraine. Ukraine’s Foreign Minster Dmitry Kuleba will be coming along with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. They are going to try and find ways to shore up the struggling Ukraine military. The Ukraine military is facing a tough time with a lack of arms, ammunition and manpower as Russia pushes hard on the eastern front.”
10. Various of police in port ++OVERLAID OVER SHOT 9++
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Trisha Thomas, Associated Press:
“Italy is currently holding the Presidency of the G7 and its Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani arrived today on a ship in Capri. He gave an exclusive interview to the Associated Press in which he talked about measures being considered to punish Tehran for the attacks on Israel including sanctions on those who provide parts for drones.”
12. Various of Italian foreign minister Antonio Tajani giving interview to AP +OVERLAID OVER SHOT 11++
13. Wide of Capri from boat
Group of Seven foreign ministers are meeting on the Italian resort island of Capri, with the agenda topped by calls Wednesday for targeted new sanctions against Iran over its attack against Israel and more aid to Ukraine to fight Russia’s war.

Under Italy’s stewardship of the rotating presidency, the G7 leaders are expected to issue a united call for Israel to exercise restraint after Iran’s unprecedented weekend attack involving hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles fired toward the Jewish state.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Italy supported targeted new sanctions against Tehran, specifically against the makers of drones used in the weekend attack and others launched by Tehran-backed militias in Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen.

“So, for example, people sending drones to Houthi? Sanctions,” Tajani said, adding that other European Union foreign ministers agreed and that he expected the G7 ministers to discuss possible new sanctions this week in Capri.

Tajani is to meet later Wednesday with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

AP video shot by Luigi Navarra
Production: Trisha Thomas


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