Ecuador to shut down for two days as severe drought sparks electricity crisis and long power cuts

(18 Apr 2024)

Azuay, Ecuador – 17 April 2024
1. Various of the Mazar dam located in the province of Azuay showing low water level

Bogota, Colombia – 16 April 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Camilo Prieto, Professor of Climate Change at the Javeriana University of Bogota:
"The mistake lies in concentrating on one source of energy generation. The world has been learning that an energy matrix, the more diverse it is and combines different types of low-emission sources, has greater reliability, is much safer, and has much less risk of being subject to climate changes,"

Azuay, Ecuador – 17 April 2024
3. Various of the Mazar dam

The drought affecting southern Ecuador left the Mazar dam, which feeds two crucial hydroelectric power plants in the Andean country, inoperative.

The minimum required for its operation is 2,115 meters above sea level, but the National Electricity Corporation reported on Wednesday that the dam reached only 1,619 meters above sea level.

The severe energy crisis affecting the country led the Ecuadorian government to decree on Wednesday the suspension of the working day for Thursday and Friday.

It also ordered a new increase in energy rationing of eight hours daily.

According to the National Electricity Corporation, 78% of the country’s energy comes from hydroelectric sources, and the rest from thermal power plants and non-conventional sources such as wind power.

Camilo Prieto, Professor of Climate Change at the Javeriana University in Bogota, warned about the dangers of the prominence of a single source of energy supply for countries.

"The mistake lies in concentrating on one source of energy generation. The world has been learning that an energy matrix, the more diverse it is and combines different types of low-emission sources, has greater reliability, is much safer, and has much less risk of being subject to climate changes," he told the Associated Press.

President Daniel Noboa decreed the energy emergency on Wednesday in a statement in which he also informed the dismissal of the Minister of Energy Andrea Arrobo.

Arrobo is under investigation for allegedly concealing information on the critical conditions of the Mazar reservoir, currently inoperable, and the Paute reservoir, whose storage level is 4%, the presidential statement said.

AP Video shot by Xavier Caivinagua


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