China’s Wang Yi visits Indonesia, criticises US over UN Security Council Gaza resolution

(18 Apr 2024)

Jakarta, Indonesia – 18 April 2024
1. Wide of China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi
2. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Yi, China’s Foreign Minister:
"Recently, the Security Council for the first time passed Resolution 2728, which requires an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This time the US did not dare to stand in opposition to international morality and chose to abstain. However, the US claimed that this resolution was not binding. This statement by the US shocked the world and once again exposed the hegemonic mentality of the US. In the eyes of the United States, international law seems to be a tool that can be used whenever it finds useful and discarded if it does not want to use it."
3. Wide of Wang and Marsudi
4. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Retno Marsudi, Indonesia’s Foreign Minister:
"We all have concerns about the situation developing in the Middle East. We share the same view regarding the importance of all parties to exercise restraint and de-escalation, and I explained the diplomatic efforts that Indonesia has made so far. And I am sure that China will use its influence to prevent escalation."
5. End of joint briefing
The Chinese and Indonesian foreign ministers called for an immediate and lasting cease-fire in Gaza after a meeting in Jakarta Thursday.

Indonesia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi told reporters that the two countries share the same view about the importance of a cease-fire and of resolving the conflict through a two-state solution.

The meeting took place on the second day of a six-day tour during which China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi will also visit Papua New Guinea and Cambodia.

Wang blamed the United States for holding up ceasefire resolutions at the U.N.

The U.S. vetoed a number of proposed Security Council resolutions because they didn’t tie cease-fire directly to the release of Israel hostages or condemn Hamas’ attacks that prompted the war, before allowing a resolution to a pass with an abstention in late March.

American officials have argued that the cease-fire and hostage releases are linked, while Russia, China and many other council members favored unconditional calls for a cease-fire.

AP video shot by Andi Jatmiko


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