Palestinian family in contested neighborhood of east Jerusalem grapples with Israeli eviction order

(17 Apr 2024)



LENGTH: 4:17

Jerusalem – 16 April 2024
1. Tilt-down on the Diab family home in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
2. Close up of Saleh Diab
3. Diab walking in his courtyard
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Saleh Diab, Sheikh Jarrah resident facing an eviction court order:
"My family and I were informed that we have to leave our home."

5. Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, cars moving along street
6. Various of the Diab family home
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Saleh Diab, Sheikh Jarrah resident facing an eviction court order:
"The Sheikh Jarrah case is very sensitive and the Israeli occupation has been targeting the neighborhood since the day of the Naksa (meaning setback in Arabic) in 1967."

8. Various of home with Israeli flag
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Saleh Diab, Sheikh Jarrah resident facing an eviction court order:
"My home is one of 28 homes facing the threat of eviction."

10. Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
11. The Salem family home in Sheikh Jarrah, also facing an eviction order
12. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Saleh Diab, Sheikh Jarrah resident facing an eviction court order:
"There is a big plan for Sheikh Jarrah on both the eastern side and the western side that is known as Um Haroun, and it is about expelling all the (Palestinian) families from the two areas and building a settlement on the western side and a settlement on the eastern side."

13. Various of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Amy Cohen, spokeswoman for the Israeli NGO Ir Amim:
"In Jerusalem, the Israeli government has been accelerating enormous facts on the ground, both in terms of settlement advancements but also massive surge in demolitions. And so it wouldn’t necessarily be surprising if the timing of this particular case is also in line with the various developments that we’ve seen the Israeli government take under the cover of the war, essentially the Israeli government exploiting the circumstances while the global attention is directed at the war in Gaza."

15. Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Saleh Diab, Sheikh Jarrah resident facing an eviction court order:
"The Israeli government is behind the settler organizations and the expulsions in Jerusalem neighborhoods."

17. Various of the Diab home
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Amy Cohen, spokeswoman for the Israeli NGO Ir Amim:
"The Diab family case is (a) much larger number, much larger phenomenon across East Jerusalem where you have 200 families that number over 1,000 Palestinians that are under threat of forced displacement via eviction that are being advanced by state backed settler groups."

19. Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Amy Cohen, spokeswoman for the Israeli NGO Ir Amim:
"So if you think about the severity, the magnitude of this, it goes really hand in hand – or really if you want to put it in an overarching framework is part of Israeli policy and practices aimed at uprooting Palestinians from their homes, from the city, from their lands. And it’s playing out across Jerusalem, the occupied territories and within Gaza right now."

21. Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
An Israeli court on Monday ordered the eviction of a Palestinian family in a contested neighborhood of east Jerusalem, the latest in a legal saga that has come to symbolize the conflicting claims to the holy city.

The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood has been the focus of a long-running battle between government-backed Israeli settlers and longtime Palestinian residents.

The family said it would appeal.

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