(16 Apr 2024)
Jerusalem – 16 April 2024
1. Wide of Western Wall
2. Man removing notes from Western Wall
3. Close of notes in wall
4. Man removing notes from wall
5. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Shmuel Rabinovitch, Western Wall Rabbi:
"Here, the place of the divine presence, a place where prayers go up to the rest of the sky, a lot of notes. There are notes where people ask, not only about themselves but for the entire nation of Israel, the situation in Israel, that’s why we are seeing lots of notes, in a much larger amount than any other year and I hope that God will hear our prayers."
6. Close of notes
7. Various of people removing notes
8. Worshippers praying at Western Wall
9. Pan down from wall to worshippers
Bunched up notes, placed into crevices of ancient stones of the Western Wall – Judaism’s holiest site, were removed on Tuesday ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover.
The notes were placed there by visitors believing their requests might find a way to God.
"There are notes where people ask, not only about themselves but for the entire nation of Israel, the situation in Israel, that’s why we are seeing lots of notes, in a much larger amount than any other year and I hope that God will hear our prayers," said Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch.
The notes are cleared out twice a year, before the Jewish New Year and ahead of the Passover festival in spring.
AP video shot by Alon Bernstein
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