Love it or hate it – stars of new show ‘The Sympathizer’ weigh in on durian, the controversial punge

(16 Apr 2024)
Los Angeles – 9 April 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Don McKellar, show co-creator:
"First of all, we wanted a fruit that worked well as a weapon. I don’t want to give anything away, but I think in the book it’s oranges is in it and director Park was like, ‘Oranges, what can that do? What do you think about durain?’ You know, it’s like. ‘Oh, okay.’ And they do eat a lot of durian, a lot of Vietnamese eat durians. But it’s controversial even in Vietnam, the durian."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Phanxinê and Kieu Chinh, actors:
Phanxinê: "I really love durian. And I expect that ‘Oh, cool. Then I will have a chance to eat durian a lot you know, on the production, the shoot.’ But, unfortunately, director Park really hates durian, so he, he said like no real durian on set at all. Oh, so I have to act with a fake durian."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Hoa Xuande and Sandra Oh, actors:
Oh: "I’ve never tried it."
Xuande: "I tried, yeah."
Oh: "Did you try it?"
Xuande: "I tried it and…
Oh: "Hold on a second."
Xuande: "It was a nay."
Oh: "It was a nay, right?"
Xuande: "Yeah."


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