U.S.VETS – Milo’s Story

Veterans like Milo can often fall on hard times after service, especially when that service includes times of war.

When Milo came home, he found himself homeless in downtown Los Angeles and in the fight of his life to save his family. Eventually, Milo was approached on the streets by an outreach coordinator from U.S.VETS and that night found himself with somewhere to sleep, three meals a day, and programs to help him get sober and find a career. With a U.S.VETS case manager behind him and the various wrap around services designed to support him, Milo took the initiative and began to walk down the path of the success he is achieving today.

Today, Milo and his wife are remarried, he and his son Joseph Staley, also a Navy veteran, are both working at Spectrum, and together, they are making an impact on other homeless veterans!

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