Protesters and supporters of Donald Trump stage outside New York court for start of jury selection

(15 Apr 2024)

New York — 15 April 2024
1. Various of anti-Trump demonstrators
2. Various of Trump supporters
3. Cutaway of Steve Merczynski, Trump supporter
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Steve Merczynski, Trump supporter:
"I wanted to show support for President Trump in a public way. I think it’s important when something so unfair is happening right here that people support him and me being a Trump supporter and someone who wants a fair legal system that we don’t have, I think if we are just quiet about it, it will only get worse. I think it’s important to show we don’t like what’s going on here."
5. People in group with woman on megaphone UPSOUND (English) "And now we are watching all of the consequences of the stolen election and one of those consequences is injustice."
6. Trump flag with demonstrators in the background
7. Various of anti-Trump demonstrators
Dueling protests could be heard Monday outside a New York court for the start of jury selection in former President Donald’s Trump’s hush money trial.

Protesters chanted "No one is above the law" and supporters yelled "USA, USA, USA."

It’s the first criminal trial of any former U.S. commander-in-chief and the first of Trump’s four indictments to go to trial. Scores of people are expected to be called into the courtroom to begin the process of finding 12 jurors, plus six alternates. Trump’s notoriety would make the process a near-herculean task in any year, but it’s likely to be especially challenging now.

The former president is accused of falsifying internal Trump Organization records as part of a scheme to bury stories that he feared could hurt his 2016 campaign, particularly as his reputation was suffering at the time from comments he had made about women.

The allegations focus on payoffs to two women, porn actor Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal, who said they had extramarital sexual encounters with Trump years earlier, as well as to a Trump Tower doorman who claimed to have a story about a child he alleged Trump had out of wedlock. Trump says none of these supposed sexual encounters occurred.

AP video shot by Joseph Frederick and Ted Shaffrey


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