Why asbestos still is a billion $ industry – with a bright future? | Transforming Business

Asbestos is banned in the EU and US, but despite its devastating impacts, many countries continue to use it. Now, a Dutch company claims it can recycle asbestos waste and repurpose it as a toxic-free partial replacement for cement, for use in the construction industry. Globally, the asbestos market remains lucrative, valued at more than $1 billion in 2023. India is the world’s leading importer of asbestos, while the largest producer is Russia, by quite a margin.

00:00 Intro
00:43 Is it possible to recycle asbestos?
01:51 From marvel to nightmare
03:39 Who is at risk?
04:33 How to remove asbestos fibers
06 :04 A lucrative market
08:05 Latin America lags in the fight against asbestos
09:30 The asbestos victims of San Pedro Barrientos
11:24 Disposing of asbestos waste
14:53 Conclusion

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News post in March 14, 2025, 3:04 pm.

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