Marches for Nakba day take place in capital cities of Argentina and Chile

(15 May 2024)

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 15 May 2024
1. Various of women dancing
2. Close of protester with a sign that reads (Spanish) "Milei (President Javier Milei) supports Zionism, murderer, not in our name"
3. Wide of people with Palestinian flags
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Carlos Giordano, Socialist lawmaker:
"The Zionist state of Israel is not a country; it is an enclave that has expelled the people from those lands; it is a terrorist state. When they say terrorism, which the colleague was referring to recently, we answer: Zionist state, you are the terrorist."
5. Various of activists performing
6. Protesters with a sign that reads (Spanish) "Immediate cease fire now"
7. Protester shouts UPSOUND (Spanish) "Gaza will be victorious"
8. A protestor with face painting with the colors of the Palestinian flag
9. A banner reads (Spanish) "free Palestine" as Abdallah Eltibi speaks
10. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Abdallah Eltibi 23, refugee from Gaza:
"We want the genocide to stop. So far, more than 40,000 people have been killed by Israel’s bombings, or should we call them the terrorists, because the majority (of the dead) are children, women, and the elderly."
11. Tents with a message that reads (Spanish) "Support to the students, solidarity with Palestinians in all the world"

Santiago, Chile – May 15, 2024
12. Wide of a person wearing a skull mask waving a Palestinian flag as he wears a Palestino Football Club shirt that reads (Spanish) "Free Palestine"
13. Wide of students with banners (Spanish) "No more genocide"
14. Wide of students protesting inside the yard of University of Chile
15. Wide of students holding a banner that reads (Spanish) "Palestine resists"
16. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Paula Vidal, University of Chile professor:
"Well, we are here in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in repudiation of the violation of human rights that the people are suffering, especially women and children. We believe that as academics and as university members, we have to show solidarity with the movement that is taking place on a global scale in repudiation to stop the genocide that is taking place."
17. Various of students shouting in the main hall of Universidad de Chile
18. The Palestine flag is displayed in front of the Universidad de Chile
Activists in Argentina and Chile held protests to remember Nakba Day, which commemorates the mass expulsion of some 700,000 Palestinians from what is now Israel.

That massacre, other attacks on Palestinian villages, and the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s creation spurred what is called the Nakba, the Arabic word for catastrophe.

Israel holds the Palestinians and Arab states responsible for the events of 1948 because they rejected the U.N. partition plan and declared war. It also notes that Palestinians who did not leave in 1948 are Israeli citizens.

Israel rejects the idea of a right of return because if it was fully implemented it would threaten its existence as a Jewish-majority state. And it notes that hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced out or fled Arab countries in the wake of Israel’s founding and were absorbed by the newly independent country.

Israeli leaders have said the Palestinian refugees should be absorbed by neighboring Arab states or in a future Palestinian state. The fate of the refugees was a major point of contention in peace talks going back to the 1990s.

AP Video shot by Victor R. Caivano and Mauricio Cuevas


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