Families and revelers party side-by-side in a traditional Carnival in Sao Paulo’s countryside

(3 Mar 2025)
Sao Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil – 2 March 2025
1. Various aerial images people marching in the traditional Carnival Parade at São Luiz do Paraitinga ++MUTE++
2. Various of revelers marching and singing the tradicional ‘marchinhas,’ at the carnival street parade
3. Gheisa Gomes with husband and daughter playing along with colorful confetti
4.SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Gheisa Gomes, Planning coordinator:
“We live in Guarulhos, (metropolitan area of Sao Paulo) but we used to come here every Carnival and stopped when I got pregnant. And now we brought her [daughter] to enjoy and get to know the culture of São Luiz (do Paraitinga).”
5. People marching
6. Aerial of the main square and local church with people enjoying Carnival street party ++MUTE++
7. Various of people dancing next to giant puppets in the main square
8. Maria Helena Marcondes dancing along with her granddaughter
9. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Maria Helena Marcondes, 64, Teacher:
“I like the Carnival here because they sing the ‘marchinhas’ and this is part of the culture from the people that live here.”
10. People dancing marchinha
11. Aerial of people at the carnival parade ++MUTE++
During Carnival, the small Brazilian town of Sao Luiz do Paraitinga’s calm everyday life transforms into a joyful party known for its deep-rooted traditions, giant puppets and songs known in Portuguese as ‘marchinhas.’

Carnival in the big Brazilian cities like Rio de Janeiro is a combination of world-famous parades by samba schools who spend all year preparing and eccentric street parties, each with their own theme, aesthetic or musical style.

But in Sao Luiz do Paraitinga, thousands of revelers, families and tourists sing and dance through scenic streets in the Sao Paulo countryside to the sound of traditional Carnival marches.

Surrounded by green hills, Sao Luiz do Paraitinga has roughly 10,000 inhabitants. It is a popular tourist destination thanks to its colored, colonial buildings and vibrant cultural events dotted throughout the year.

Gheisa Gomes used to travel from Guarulhos, in Sao Paulo’s metro area, to Sao Luiz do Paraitinga before she became pregnant.

"We used to come here every Carnival and stopped when I got pregnant. And now we brought her (daughter) to enjoy and get to know the culture of São Luiz (do Paraitinga),” said Gomes.

Street parties have ballooned in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and many are packed with scantily clad revelers, jostling with street vendors who provide thirsty partygoers with water and lots of alcohol.

And while Carnival marches can also be heard in mega-cities’ street parties, they rarely take center stage as they do in Sao Luiz do Paraitinga.

AP video by Maycron Abade and Thiago Mostazo.


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News post in March 8, 2025, 9:05 pm.

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