Tattooists celebrate their art form at show in Buenos Aires

(3 Mar 2025)



LENGTH: 6:57

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 28 February 2025

1. Close up of person being tattooed
2. Various of tattoo artist working on tattoo
3. Various of tattoo artists working on human canvases at the AVA Tattoo Artists booth
4. Close-up of a woman getting tattooed
5. Pan wide of Tattoo Fest Argentina
6. Various of person being tattooed with a design of "Rocky Balboa."
7. Close of a drawing of tango singer Carlos Gardel
8. Close of a tattoo in progress featuring Carlos Gardel’s face
9. Elvis Sossa, a Bolivian tattoo artist, working on a Carlos Gardel portrait tattoo
10. Sossa’s booth and his crew at Tattoo Fest Argentina
11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Elvis Sossa, Bolivian Tattoo Artist:
"My story began at the 2009 Tattoo Show (Argentina). I came to Buenos Aires to work in construction, and I discovered the convention. I realised tattooing was an art form, but my family was very closed-minded about it. I started learning here in Buenos Aires, found people to teach me, and after a long time, I returned to Bolivia to open my own shop and organise conventions. I always come back to Buenos Aires because this is where my career started."

12. Man skateboarding on a mini ramp
13. Juan Manuel Lopez, a professional Argentine skater, observing another skater.
14. Juan Manuel Lopez performing a trick on the mini ramp.
15. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Manuel Lopez, Professional Argentine Skater:
"I think skateboarding and tattooing have always gone hand in hand. It’s not something new. It’s been part of street culture forever—tattoos, skating, music, beer—it all connects."

16. Daniela Galván, a tattoo artist from Mexico, working alongside her colleagues
17. Close of Galván tattooing
18. Close of Galván’s hand while tattooing
19. Galván tattooing a woman
20. Various of Thaysa Lucena, a Brazilian tattoo artist, tattooing on a woman
21. Various of Marcela Florentín, an Argentine tattoo artist, working on a woman’s arm.
22. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Marcela Florentín, Argentine Tattoo Artist:
"The more women you see tattooing, the more women are encouraged to follow this path. They see it as a welcoming profession and a great opportunity for artists. Today, many tattoo artists come from a fine arts background because it offers a real career opportunity. If you commit fully, you can make a living from tattooing. But if you treat it as a hobby, it won’t work. Dedication is key. And the girls every day are encouraged to do more."

23. Various of Agah Osturk, a Turkish tattoo artist, displaying his designs
24. Various of Agah Osturk drawing potential tattoo designs
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Agah Osturk, Turkish Tattoo Artist:
"It’s really cool; all of the people are nice and helpful too. There aren’t many egotistical tattoo artists, which I appreciate. I can talk to everyone, say hi, and no bad behaviour from anybody."

26. Various of tattoo artist Adrián Binda working on Guido Bonorino’s leg
27. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Guido Bonorino, visitor:
"I never imagined I’d be a tattoo canvas or get covered in tattoos. It’s something new and exciting for me."

28. Various of Binda tattooing Bonorino
29. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Adrián Binda, Argentine Tattoo Artist:

30. Various of artist tattooing Argentine heavy metal legend Ricardo Iorio
31. The Kiss tribute band posing with Diego Staropoli, General Director of Tattoo Fest Argentina
32. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Diego Staropoli, Tattoo Artist and General Director of Tattoo Fest Argentina:



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News post in March 8, 2025, 3:04 pm.

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