Marines storm Thai beach in annual military drill which also includes US, South Korean forces

(3 Mar 2025)

Sattahip, Thailand – 3 March 2025
1. Wide of military vessels off coast as smaller craft head to shore at start of Cobra Gold amphibious exercise
2. Wide of fast boats carrying South Korean marines approaching shore
3. Marines charge across beach
4. Simulated explosion to indicate an air strike on coastal defences
5. Wide of vehicles approaching beach, helicopter flying overhead
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Colonel Stuart W. Glenn, Commanding officer, Marine Rotational Force-SE Asia: ++STARTS ON SHOT 1; PARTLY OVERLAID WITH SHOTS 7 TO 9++
“Form the U.S. perspective, we’re learning techniques and tactics and procedures, on how to work – not only amphibious but also in some of the unique environments that are offered here in Thailand, specifically the jungle, obviously the littoral region with the great beaches and the ocean. And we are also learning different techniques on how to communicate, how to survive in the jungle, how to interoperate with regards to our weapons systems and our tactics and basically just making ourselves better partners for our allies here.”
7. Mid of US Marine helicopter flying over formation
8. Vehicles in sea, pan to show smoke screen emitted by other vehicles
9. Various of amphibious vehicles coming onto beach
Thai and South Korean marine forces stormed onto a Thai beach on Monday, supported by U.S. aircraft, as part of the ongoing annual Cobra Gold military exercise.

A Singaporean naval ship was also involved.

The scenario was an operation to seize and hold a beachhead in Chon Buri province, about 180 kilometres south of Bangkok, against an opposing force.

The amphibious exercise is one component of the drills which run through till March 7.

Other exercises include humanitarian assistance projects.

Cobra Gold was first held in 1982. It has grown into one of the world’s largest multinational military exercises.

According to a statement from the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, around 30 countries will participate in this year’s Cobra Gold, either directly or as observers.


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News post in March 8, 2025, 9:05 am.

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