‘Wicked’ star Ethan Slater drills home movie message

(2 Mar 2025)

Los Angeles – 2 March 2025
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Ethan Slater, actor "Wicked" – on rights:
"I can’t speak to what’s going to happen in terms of banning movies, but I think it is a really powerful message about the way that people use fear to control and strip away the rights of others. And in this case, it’s the wizards stripping away the rights of the animals of Oz. And I think, you know, it’s not on the nose in some ways and yet it’s really powerful and poignant message. And God, I hope it doesn’t get banned because stories like that are important to make sure that we stop that from happening."


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News post in March 8, 2025, 12:05 am.

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