A key, a King and street parties; Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival has officially started

(28 Feb 2025)

Rio de Janeiro – 28 February 2025
1. Rio de Janeiro’s Mayor Eduardo Paes, holding hands with Iranette Ferreira, known as “Tia Surica”, together with King Momo, Kaio Mackenzie, and Carnival’s Queen Thuane Werneck.
2. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Eduardo Paes, Rio de Janeiro’s Mayor:
“And now I’ll pass the keys to the one that, take note locals and visitors, the one that will command Rio until ash Wednesday. Do not call for me. Look for King Momo.”
3. Wide of Paes speaking
4. Paes handing key to King Momo
5. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Kaio Mackenzie, King Momo:
“I officially declare open the 2025 Carnival!”
6. Wide of ceremony
7. King Momo and Carnival Queen dancing
8. Samba School dancers performing
9. Performers on stilts dancing
10. Performer on stilts and corlorful costume dancing
11. Flag bearer dancing
12. Various of people dancing
13. Wide of Carnival puppets at street party
14. Local resident, Rogeria Peixinho, watching party from entrance to building
15. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Rogeria Peixinho, local resident: “
"The carmelite convent over there, we’d gather during Carnival (on a bar next to it) and play some samba, and some of the nuns kept checking on us. So one of the neighbours decided to create the Bloco das Carmelitas (Carmelite Street Party), that runs away during Carnival on Friday, plays during Carnival, and comes back on Tuesday to the convent.”
16. Various of women dressed in pink nun costumes on top of truck
17. Wide of street party
Rio de Janeiro’s mayor handed over the key to the city on Friday to the Carnival monarch, opening King Momo’s five-day reign over the festivities.

“Don’t call me. Look for King Momo until Ash Wednesday comes,” Mayor Eduardo Paes told Carnival revellers as drummers and veteran members of local samba schools celebrated and sang traditional songs.

This year’s Momo is 28-year-old Kaio Mackenzie, from the working-class Mangueira community.

Rio’s Carnival queen and princesses joined him, dancing to samba music as they held the city key aloft and confetti poured down upon them.

Momo’s tenure is symbolic of society being turned upside down during Carnival.

His role is inspired by Greek mythology. Momus is the personification of satire, mockery and irreverence.

Some street parties have already been sweeping through Rio’s streets in the lead-up to Carnival, but the five-day celebrations will see almost 500 city-authorized celebrations in the city.

There are dozens more informal parties roving about.

On Friday afternoon, one of Rio’s most traditional street parties, Carmelitas, took hold in the hilltop Santa Teresa neighbourhood.

It was founded in 1990 and many of its revellers come out dressed as nuns and priests of the region’s Carmelites Convent.

Some in the street party paid tributes to Pope Francis, who is hospitalized in Rome.

The city’s 12 top-flight samba schools will present their Carnival parades at the city’s Sambadrome between Sunday and Tuesday.

AP video shot by Mario Lobão and Lucas Dumphreys


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