(28 Feb 2025)
Guissona, Spain – 20 February 2025
1. Mid of Guissona town hall
2. Aerial of town of Guissona and BonÀrea factory ++DRONE SHOT++
3. SOUNDBITE ( English) Joseph Wilson, The Associated Press:++SOUNDBITE OVERLAID BY BROLL++
“We are here in rural northeastern Spain because in this tiny village of Guissona, there is a company which is an example of why Spain‘s economy is booming. Spain’s economy grew by 3% last year well above the eurozone average and on pace with the United States. At the Bon Area meat processing plant, people from 62 countries work side by side. The company says they are grateful that these people come work here because many Spaniards don’t want these types of service jobs. While Spain has a strong tourism industry, economists, business leaders and the government all agree that the influx of foreign workers has helped keeping the countries’ companies going strong. While other countries are taking on an attitude of anti-migration, Spain is actually looking to increase the amount of foreign workers and incorporate nearly 1 million more foreigners already in Spain into the labor force in the coming months.”
Guissona, Spain – 20 February 2025
4. Various of workers inside meat production line
ARCHIVE: Barcelona, Spain – 17 July 2024
5. Various of people in Barcelona city centre
Guissona, Spain – 20 February, 2025
7. Wide of administrative area
8. Various of office workers from different countries
Foreign workers have helped to make Spain’s economy the envy of the industrialized world, even as anti-immigration sentiments grow elsewhere in Europe and in the United States.
Spain’s economy grew faster than any other European nation and the United States in 2024.
Experts agree that the boom is largely due to the influx of foreign workers who have expanded the active labor force.
An example of this can be found in food company plant in the tiny town of Guissona in northeastern Spain where people from 62 nationalities work side by side.
Spain’s government is pushing to regularize nearly 1 million more foreign workers over the coming years.
That approach contrasts with an international trend to tighten borders as well as the anti-migrant rhetoric of the Trump administration.
AP video by German Martinez and produced by Renata Brito and Hernan Munoz
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News post in March 5, 2025, 12:05 pm.
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