George Zimmerman is back in jail after his bail was revoked. Defense attorneys blame misunderstandin

(4 Jun 2012) HEADLINE: Zimmerman Attorneys Request New Bond Hearing
CAPTION: George Zimmerman is back in jail after his bail was revoked. Defense attorneys blame misunderstandings for discrepancies about Zimmerman’s finances and passport. Zimmerman is charged with killing unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. (June 4)
(Name/Location, Occupation, Expertise)
First of all I want to thank the sheriff again for handling this in such a professional way. I’m not pandering to him, but he’s made it much easier in what could have been a tense situation, to deal with it appropriately, so we really appreciate him working with us, to the extent he could with us, in making sure George got here safely, which is what we all were hoping for. Having said that, he is in custody now, he is going to remain there, until we get before Judge Lester, if and when he grants us a bond hearing, it sounds like he might consider it but that is going to be based upon the motion itself.

I think that that explanation or apology if it is should go directly to the person who deserves it. In this case that is Judge Lester.
It probably will be filed tomorrow. It’s going to be a pretty straight-forward motion. I’m just hoping that the judge will give us an audience and that we can explain away what happened seemed to have happened.

The passport issue, which I think Judge Lester as a non-issue, as I did, is as follows: 2002 he gets a passport. He loses it. 2004 he gets another one. When he gets to me his quote passport it was the one that existed in 2002. When he was then released and moved out of the area and gathered all of his belongings he found the other one, the 2004 passport. As soon as he got to where he is, or was, we talked about closing down his internet presence, which is when the check was identified, or the money was identified in the funds, that was immediately turned over to me, literally fedexed that day, as was his passport, which he found, so the second passport, which he did not believe he had, was turned over literally within a minute or an hour of him finding it. That came to me, I presented it to the court. The problem that happened, as I sort of acknowledged, the day I did the notice of filing of that passport, it sat in the pleading portion of my filing, did not get filed the very next day, and literally sat there for a month, causing a concern of the state, because they didn’t know that I had his passport. Once that was resolved, as Judge Lester mentioned, just like having a license and losing it and getting another one, it was a non-issue to him. I would suggest that it is a non-issue to all of us."

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