(25 Feb 2025)
ARCHIVE: Guajara-Mirim, Brasil – 13 July 2023
1. Various aerials of Komi Memem in the Brazilian Amazon
Rome – 24 February 2025
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Linda Krueger, director of biodiversity and infrastructure policy for The Nature Conservancy: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"Biodiversity is really about life on Earth. It is the support system for everything, for the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water. It really relies on intact ecosystems. And so we can’t survive without biodiversity."
ARCHIVE: Guajara-Mirim, Brasil – 14 July 2023
3. Various of deforestation near and inside Wari’ Indigenous territory in the Brazilian Amazon
Rome – 24 February 2025
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Georgina Chandler, head of policy and campaigns for the Zoological Society London: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"Two years ago in Montreal were the negotiations for the Global Biodiversity Framework, which is a set of goals and targets to hopefully halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity. So if Montreal was about the ‘what’— so what are we all working together towards, Cali (Colombia) was supposed to be about the ‘how’— so putting the plans and the finance on the table to make sure that we could actually implement this framework we agreed to two years ago."
ARCHIVE: Guajara-Mirim, Brasil – 14 July 2023
5. More of deforestation inside Wari’ Indigenous territory in the Brazilian Amazon
Rome – 24 February 2025
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Georgina Chandler, head of policy and campaigns for the Zoological Society London: ++COVERED++
"But ultimately discussions run out of time (in Colombia), specifically on the finance agenda item, because that was particularly contentious. And they had to part with finance negotiations and come back in 2025 to have another go."
ARCHIVE: Moore Reef, Queensland, Australia – 15 November 2022
7. Sunlight beaming down through waves on to coral
ARCHIVE: Moore Reef, Queensland, Australia – 14 November 2022
8. Decaying coral
9. Aerial of Moore Reef ++ MUTE++
10. Fish swimming around coral reef
Rome – 24 February 2025
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Georgina Chandler, head of policy and campaigns for the Zoological Society London: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"We know that there has been quite a lot of work done between the end of the negotiations in Cali to the meeting in Rome this week. So the hope is that enough of that work has been done in between these two meetings, that we will reach an agreement and we will reach a way forward so that we can close the COP(16) here in Rome."
An annual United Nations conference on biodiversity that ran out of time last year will resume its work Tuesday in Rome with money at the top of the agenda.
That is, how to spend it — and how to raise a lot more of it to help preserve plant and animal life on Earth.
The talks in Cali, Colombia known as COP16 yielded some significant outcomes before they broke up in November, including an agreement that requires companies that benefit from genetic resources in nature — say, by developing medicines from rainforest plants — to share the benefits.
And steps were taken to give Indigenous peoples and local communities a stronger voice in conservation matters.
But two weeks turned out to be not enough time to get everything done.
“They eventually lost a quorum because people simply went home,” said Linda Krueger of The Nature Conservancy, who is in Rome for the two days of talks.
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News post in March 2, 2025, 3:04 am.
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