Trump immigration policy leaves Venezuelan family’s status in limbo

(22 Feb 2025)

Hopkins, Minnesota – 13 February 2025
1. Various of Johann Teran in video call with his wife in Venezuela
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Johann Teran, Humanitarian parole grantee:
“I was very excited that I could have the opportunity to be with my wife and my dogs here in the US and in Minnesota.”
3. Pet dogs on video call
4. Various Teran eating dinner at mother-in-law’s home
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Johann Teran, Humanitarian parole grantee:
“Right now I don’t see any, like, any future right now for having her.”
6. Various of Teran’s mother-in-law Marlenia Padron making arepas
7. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Marlenia Padron, Temporary Protected Status grantee:
“I was detained, things were stolen, I was tortured.”
8. Padron showing off family photos
9. Family photos
10. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Marlenia Padron, Temporary Protected Status grantee:
“I don’t know what will happen, what will happen with the many people who are here and we’re not doing anything bad to anybody.”
11. Padron working in kitchen
12. Teran on video call with wife
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Johann Teran, Humanitarian parole grantee:
“The Venezuelan community is just at home. We are all waiting and like we were criminals, like we don’t we can’t go out.”
14. Teran on video call with wife
15. Padron working in kitchen

Johann Teran’s family is stuck in limbo.

Like many Venezuelans who’ve fled political repression and economic chaos in their home country, they’ve found their futures in the United States in doubt under the Trump administration.

The 27-year-old attorney came to Minnesota eight months ago on a humanitarian parole program the Biden administration. Today, he works as a paralegal for a law firm

Humanitarian parole granted two-year visas to people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela–provided they had a U.S. sponsor and passed background checks.

“I was very excited that I could have the opportunity to be with my wife. My dogs here in the US and in Minnesota,” said Teran.

But the Trump administration stopped processing applications in January, leaving his wife Karelia stranded in Venezuela.

“Right now I don’t see any like. Any future right now for having her,” he said.

Johann’s mother-in-law Marlenia Padron fled violence amid Venezuela’s economic collapse.

“They kidnapped me, they held me, I was detained, things were stolen, I was tortured,” she said of her life before coming to the Unites States.

Padron was granted temporary protected status – TPS, another legal status for people fleeing countries in disarray – in 2023. But the Trump administration is seeking to end protections for Venezuelans like her in April–along with hundreds of thousands of other immigrants later this year.

“I don’t know what will happen, what will happen with the many people who are here and we’re not doing anything bad to anybody,” she said.

Johann says the fear and uncertainty is a reminder of the repression they fled in Venezuela.

“The Venezuelan community is just at home. We are all waiting and like we were criminals, like we don’t we can’t go out,” said Teran.


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News post in February 27, 2025, 12:04 pm.

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