French street artist Shuck One pays tribute to Black history at Pompidou Center in Paris

(21 Feb 2025)

Paris, France – 18 February 2025
1. Various of French street artist Shuck One
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Shuck One, street artist:
“With this Regeneration installation, I wanted to retrace somewhere a memory of the Black figures who created Paris Noir and who are pioneers and pioneers who have gone ahead of us in various artistic, intellectual or other fields. It’s a way for me to honor them. I’d also like to talk about the Black Atlantic, the Black Caribbean, since these characters are American as well as from other horizons. What’s really important in this installation, for me, are the different components and the different artistic, intellectual and archival stratifications and nourishments to be able to compose this installation not only in archives, in painting and in volume.”
3. Various of Shuck One and assistants working on giant mural
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Shuck One, street artist:
“There are these three shots of Paris, from 1940 to 1950 to 1950 to 1960 and 1980 to 1990, and with these three shots, I’m going to show the evolution of the city and its development, but also not only its development with migratory flows and its different migrations. You’ll see them through the archive work that the assistants are preparing upstream, because on this archive work, this intellectual nourishment will come a whole pictorial work and then a whole work of portraits of people, from the tirailleurs, the dissidents, Paulette Nardal, Gerty Archimède, Césaire, Léon-Gontran Damas and so many others.”
5. Various of Shuck One and assistants choosing pictures
6. SOUNDBITE (French) Shuck One, street artist:
“I see the contemporary world in a certain way and I find that today we’re talking about certain subjects again. I’m afraid I sometimes end up with thoughts from the 1920s, 1930s and so on, which don’t fit in at all with the image I have of France and our France and this contemporary France.”
7. Various of street artist Shuck One creating giant mural
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Shuck One, street artist:
“Why am I telling you that I’m an activist who became an artist? Because in the end, at the end of the 70s, with my grandparents in Pointe à Pitre, I discovered graffiti, by Léon-Gontran Damas version, that famous intellectual poet who formed a triangle with (Leopold) Senghor, (Aimé)Césaire and (Léon-Gontran) Damas. And finally, when I arrived in Paris in ’84, I discovered graffiti in a different artistic and protest form. But for me, these two things were already the foundation of all this, and above all the fundamental thing, as Léon-Gontran Damas says, was that it enabled me to discover my history – America, the Caribbean, slavery, colonization, departmentalization. After that, I’d say South America.”
9. Various of street artist Shuck One with assistants
10. Various of Pompidou Center
French street artist Shuck One is honoring Black figures who shaped France’s recent history on the mainland and overseas, in an art installation being produced for an exhibition starting next month at the Pompidou Center in Paris.

Shuck One is a Black graffiti and visual artist native of the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, which is a French overseas department.

He is participating in the “Black Paris” exhibition, which retraces the presence and influence of Black artists in France from the 1950s to 2000.

The Pompidou Center, one of the world’s top modern art museums, said that it will celebrate 150 artists of African descent, from Africa to the Americas, whose works have often never been displayed in France before.

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News post in February 26, 2025, 9:04 am.

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