Returning families encounter scenes of destruction in Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon

(19 Feb 2025)

Kfar Kila, southern Lebanon – 19 February 2025
1. Various of destruction, cars and people walking through the rubble
People are returning to a village in southern Lebanon Wednesday to find what is left of their homes and community.

In the border village of Kfar Kila, people were stunned by the scale of the destruction, with entire houses wiped out.

In Kfar Kila’s main square, Lebanese troops deployed as a military bulldozer removed rubble from the street. As people gathered in the square, a young man ran in, screaming that he had found two men alive on the edge of the village.

Israeli forces withdrew Tuesday from border villages in southern Lebanon under a deadline spelled out in a U.S.-brokered ceasefire agreement that ended the latest Israel-Hezbollah war. They stayed in five strategic overlook locations inside Lebanon.

Most of the villagers waited by the roadside for permission to go and check on their homes but scores pushed aside the roadblocks to march in. Elsewhere, the army allowed the residents to enter.

Many of their houses were demolished during the more than year-long conflict or in the two months after November’s ceasefire agreement when Israeli forces were still occupying the area.

AP video shot by Fadi Tawil, produced by Annika Wolters


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News post in February 24, 2025, 9:04 am.

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