US will work ‘inside and outside the UN’ to keep North Korea from illegal activities, top envoy says

(17 Apr 2024)

Seoul – 17 April 2024
1. Wide of US Ambassador to UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield arriving for briefing
2. Wide of Thomas-Greenfield
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations:
"As you note it, we look forward to engaging with both Republic of Korea and Japan, but like-minded as well on trying to develop options both inside UN as well as outside the UN. The point here is that we can’t allow the work that the panel of experts were doing to lapse. We have to continue to keep eyes on and reporting on the illegal activities of DPRK and efforts to break the sanctions that have been put in place."
4. Wide of ambassador
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations:
"And yes, Russia and China will continue to try to block those efforts. Why? First and foremost, Russia has already been breaking the sanctions regime. They are already engaging with trade with DPRK. They are purchasing weapons that are against the Security Council resolutions. And they have, along with China, continued to protect the DPRK from being held accountable, so I don’t expect that they will cooperate or agree with any efforts that we make to find another path. But that is not going to stop us from finding the path moving forward."
6. Ambassador leaving
A U.S. top envoy to the United Nations said Wednesday that Washington will work together with allies to develop options "inside and outside the UN" to stop North Korea from illegal activities that violate sanctions.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield made the comments in a press briefing held in Seoul to wrap up her four-day visit to South Korea.

The ambassador said that she does not expect Russia and China to change their stance and cooperate with the other members of the UN Security Council to hold Pyongyang accountable for their efforts to break sanctions.

During her trip, Thomas-Greenfield met wtih President Yoon Suk Yeol. She also held talks with the country’s foreign affairs and defense chiefs to discuss cooperation on the implementation of new UN sanctions against North Korea and ways to monitor the autocratic regime’s activities.


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