Thailand cracks down on cyber-scam networks run from labor camps | DW News

Thailand is cracking down on cyber-scam networks, run from labor camps across its border with Myanmar. Officials have arrested suspected ring-leaders and tried cutting power to the compounds, where thousands of people are made to work and live.

This video shows some of the foreigners being freed — after having been trafficked to the facilities in Myanmar. In the camps, they were allegedly forced — and sometimes tortured — into targeting victims of online fraud around the world. The United Nations says hundreds of thousands of people have been lured to work in such compounds across Southeast Asia. The gambling town of Shwe Kokko is one of the sites recently raided.

0:00 Thailand cracks down on illegal networks
4:04 Jason Tower, Burma Program, US Institute for Peace

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News post in February 19, 2025, 6:04 pm.

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