Moroccan women celebrate the art of henna tradition, now recognised by UNESCO

(2 Feb 2025)



LENGTH: 6:51

Rabat, Morocco – 15 January 2025
1. Various of Rabat resident Hajar (no last name supplied) showing the henna designs on hands and feet during celebration of her 7th month of pregnancy
2. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Hajar (No Last Name Given), resident in Rabat:
"Today, I celebrate seven months of my pregnancy and as Moroccans and Arabs, our way of celebrating is by doing henna, because henna is a symbol of joy. When we feel happy, we express it by doing henna, and for this reason we ask the artist to come and organize a celebration day. We inherited this from our mothers and grandmothers, they always did henna on all occasions."

3. Mid of Mama Yaaqoubi, henna artist, cleaning the henna leaves and putting them in the copper mortar
4. Various of Yaaqoubi grinding henna leaves into a powder
5. Various of Yaaqoubi mixing hot water and sugar into the henna powder
6. Various of Yaaqoubi squeezing henna paste through nylon stocking
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mama Yaaqoubi, henna artist:
"In Morocco, there are different types of henna tattoo. There is traditional henna and modern henna, the most prominent of which are Marrakech henna and Fassi henna. Currently, most women do Fassi henna, which is a filled design, so girls choose to do Fassi henna, but in a modern and unfilled way, and thus it is traditional but in a modern way, and this is the difference between now and before."

8. Various of Yaaqoubi organizing the "Gaada" of henna, a designated space in the room, putting traditional green cushions and bedding to welcome Hajar
9. Various of Yaaqoubi putting the henna items on the table, containing henna paste, herbs like rose, Oud and Bukhour and a sugar pyramid
10. Various of Yaaqoubi and attendees welcoming Hajar
11. Yaaqoubi ululating
12. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mama Yaaqoubi, henna artist in Rabat:
"In the past, the demand for henna was greater. Women used to do it a lot and they used to attend special rituals for it. In the past, women used to prepare the henna "Gaada" and the materials and things necessary for henna, and they used to invite their friends and they would all do henna. Now, the methods of doing henna have developed. We used to use a kohl stick to draw, but now we use a syringe, which is faster in working and allows us to finish in a short time, and this is what caused the rituals associated with henna to disappear."

13. Various of Yaaqoubi putting henna in the syringe
14. Various of Mama doing henna tattoo on Hajar’s feet
15. An attendee serving Hajar dates and milk
16. Hajar eating date and drinking milk
17. Yaaqoubi doing bukhour around Hajar’s feet which already tattooed with henna
18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mama Yaaqoubi, henna artist in Rabat:
"Now the henna artists work in the streets and their service is available to everyone. The value of henna is that women do it in their homes. It makes no sense to have the henna done in the street. This is an important point that shows how henna has begun to lose its value."

19. Various of Yaaqoubi applying henna tattoos to Hajar’s hands
20. Close of henna tattoo
21. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mama Yaaqoubi, henna artist in Rabat:
"Many of tourists who come to Morocco do henna, this lets them know about the Moroccan traditions through the henna, also after they do henna tattoo, when the leave Morocco they automatically keep a memory from Morocco on their skin."

23. Close of cups being filled with Moroccan tea
24. Various of an attendee filming henna process
25. Various of other attendees getting henna designs

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News post in February 7, 2025, 3:04 am.

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