Children celebrate World Wetlands Day by running llama race in Ecuador

(1 Feb 2025)

Llanganati, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador – 1 February 2025
1. Children on llamas participate on a race to celebrate World Wetlands Day
2. Various of race
3. People watching the race
4. Llamas arriving to finish line
5. Low shot of llamas passing
6. Various of children arriving at the finish line with their llamas
7. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Fatima Gualotuña, Mother of a participant in the race:
"We celebrate today World Wetlands at the Ramsar site. That’s why we do the llamingos (llamas) race year after year."
8. Gualotuña and her daughter
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jorge Naula, Organizer of the Llamas Race:
"Today is very important for us, the communities. We celebrate Wetlands’ Day because our moor and the Anteojos lagoon are designated as a Ramsar site. It is one of the most humid moors nationally and internationally."
10. Various of children on llamas
11. Close of llama
12. Various of Anteojos Lagoon

Riders between 4 and 13 years old participated on Saturday in a llama race to celebrate World Wetlands Day on a moor in the Ecuadorian Andes.

The llama is a divine animal in the cosmovision of the indigenous people of the Ecuadorian highlands, and children especially care and cherish it.

The race took place in Llanganati, a complex of lagoons of glacial origin, listed as one of the nineteen Ramsar sites in the country, according to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, which addresses the conservation and use of wetlands in the world.

The national park has large water reservoirs in mountains ranging from nearly 4,000 to more than 15,000 feet above sea level.

The llamas wore quilts and saddles, some adorned with subtle ribbons and trimmings.

The children who take part also wear their best costumes, including a knitted poncho and a warm hat, to protect themselves from the intense cold that sweeps through these heights.

AP Video by Cesar Olmos


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News post in February 7, 2025, 12:04 am.

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