Sterling K Brown: Rebuilding after LA fires is ‘one day at a time’

(27 Jan 2025)
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Los Angeles – 22 January 2025
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Sterling K. Brown, actor:
"Everybody who has been affected directly from Mandy and Milo to friends from undergrad, from other friends in the business, are putting their lives together one day at a time. It’s a really strange sort of phenomenon where I feel blessed and heartbroken at the same time for everybody that has lost so much so I try to make myself a service in whatever way I can. I got a bunch of clothes I don’t wear all the time, a buddy of mine from undergrad lost his whole wardrobe. I’m like, ‘Hey man, come fit some tight actor pants because they’re slim-fitting and hopefully it’ll make your booty look OK.’ But I say that jokingly, but also sincerely. Like whatever I have is his."


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News post in February 1, 2025, 9:04 am.

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