GW University students, progressive Democrats decry police clearing pro-Palestinian tent encampment

(8 May 2024)

Washington, DC – 8 May 2024
1. Wide, students and members of Congress walk to microphones in front of the U.S. Capitol
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Cori Bush, (D) Missouri:
"Students are protesting all across the country because they believe our government has failed to recognize the common humanity of all people. They are protesting because they oppose our government’s silence and complicity in the deaths of at least 35,000 Palestinians. They are protesting our government’s complicity in a genocide and humanitarian crisis of famine, disease and other pervasive suffering."
3. Wide, Rep. Rashida Tlaib walks to microphone, (English) "Free free free free Palestine. Free free free free Palestine."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Rashida Tlaib, (D) Michigan:
"Look, these students are saying save lives, no matter faith or ethnicity. This is something that I feel like is being completely ignored. Why are they out there? This is why we’re proud. We’re proud to use our position in office to bring these voices, so you all don’t forget why there are encampments and why there are movements and dissent around this country."
5. Wide, student speaking
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Kali (no last name given) GWU Student:
"I’ve watched my fellow students, my close friends, be maced by police, have their hijabs ripped off, be thrown to the ground, have their hands zip tied to their wheelchairs, their heads smashed against bike seats so hard that their glasses cracked and instead of resting and recuperating with them as I’d like, I’m sure because Rafah is still being invaded."
7. Cutaway reporters
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Miriam (no last name given) Jewish GWU student:
"While our universities in DC have been subject to brutality, there is not a single university left standing in Gaza."
9. Cutaway reporters
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Moataz Salim, Palestinian American student who has lived in the US for a decade:
"You shut down our encampment? Sure. Well done. Now it’s a barren yard with nothing on it. Well done (George Washington University) President (Ellen) Granberg. You did it! You destroyed a beautiful community space that was all about love. That was all about not just connecting the students together, but the students with the community around them. Something GW has failed to do in any of its projects. We did that. And they tore it down with violent force. But we will come back. I promise you. I promise you we will come back. And we will see the liberation of Palestine. I promise."
11. Wide, news conference ends
A group of George Washington University students were joined by two progressive Democratic members of Congress on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday to denounce a police crackdown that cleared a pro-Palestinian tent encampment and led to the arrests of several dozen demonstrators.

"These students are saying save lives, no matter faith or ethnicity," Rep. Rashida Tlaib, told reporters.

Tlaib, the first Palestinian American woman in Congress, said she and Rep. Cori Bush were "proud to use our position in office to bring these voices, so you all don’t forget why there are encampments and why there are movements in dissent around this country."

Throughout the roughly two weeks of the GW encampment, the scene had been largely tranquil.

Police broke up the encampment overnight Wednesday, arresting 33 people.

Palestinian American student Moataz Salim, who said he had lost family members in the war in Gaza, promised the students would be back continuing their protest of the conditions in Gaza.

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