S.Korean foreign ministry protests Japan’s claims to disputed islets

(16 Apr 2024)

Seoul – 16 April 2024
1. Various of South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lim Soo-suk arriving for news conference
2. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Lim Soo-suk, Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
"Dokdo is historically, geographically and according to international law, our sovereign territory. There is no territorial dispute surrounding Dokdo. The government is exercising firm sovereignty over the islets and will firmly respond to any unjust claims to Dokdo."
3. Wide of Soo-suk
4. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Lim Soo-suk, Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
"Regarding Dokdo, the ministry summoned the Japanese embassy official earlier in the day. As we have already said, we explained our firm stance and strongly protested (Japan’s claims)."
5. Wide of end of news conference
The South Korean Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it strongly protests Japan’s territorial claims to disputed islets controlled by Seoul, which Japan calls Takeshima and South Korea calls Dokdo.

Spokesperson Lim Soo-suk emphasized in a news conference that his government had made it clear that the islets are South Korean territory and there is no geographical dispute.

"Dokdo is historically, geographically and according to international law, our sovereign territory," he said.

He added that the Ministry had summoned a Japanese embassy official earlier in the day to express its displeasure.

The Japanese government released an annual diplomatic report in which it renewed territorial claims to the islets.

The report, known as the blue book, also claimed that South Korea is illegally occupying the islets.

AP video by Yong Jun Chang


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