Pro-Palestinian demonstrators at University of California in Irvine ready to stand their ground

(4 May 2024)

Irvine, California – 4 May 2024
1. Wide overhead of a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of California – Irvine
2. A chalk message on a university building reads "Free Palestine UCI divest now"
3. Signs in support of Palestine
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sarah Khalil, UC Irvine student:
"So we’re at the UCI (University of California, Irvine) encampment in solidarity with Gaza. We’re here because we have demands that we want UCI administration to meet."
5. Visitors take photos of the encampment signs
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sarah Khalil, UC Irvine student:
"We are hopeful for UC Irvine, but again, we’re not leaving until all of our demands are met by the administration."
7. Signs and tents in the encampment
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sarah Khalil, UC Irvine student:
"So UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), the campus did warn us what will happen. They told us to be prepared in case of anything. We’re not sure if anything is going to happen, but we have been asking community members for help to get protective gear. Of course, what happened was terrifying and horrible and we really hope it does not happen here."
9. A man taking photos of the encampment yells at protesters
10. A sign reads "Free Palestine"
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sarah Khalil, UC Irvine student:
"I believe that if anything were to happen, I will happily be able to get out of it and say I did the right thing. I stood my ground. I had the backbone to stand against the genocide. When we are being reprimanded for standing against the genocide."
12. A protester holds up a sign reading "Free Palestine, Free Iran"
13. A woman paints a portrait of a Gazan woman holding her shrouded dead baby
Tent encampments of protesters calling on universities to stop doing business with Israel or companies they say support the war in Gaza have spread across campuses nationwide in recent weeks in a student movement unlike any other this century.

Some schools have reached agreements with the protesters to end the demonstrations and reduce the possibility of disrupting final exams and commencements.

Many encampments have been dismantled and protesters arrested in police crackdowns including this week at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA.)

In nearby Irvine, California, an encampment of several dozen tents still stands after five days of protest. Organizers plan to stay until their divestment and other demands are met.

"So UCLA, the campus did warn us what will happen. They told us to be prepared in case of anything," said encampment leader Sarah Khalil. "I believe that if anything were to happen, I will happily be able to get out of it and say I did the right thing. I stood my ground. I had the backbone to stand against the genocide."

The Associated Press has recorded at least 61 incidents since April 18 where arrests were made at campus protests across the U.S.

More than 2,400 people have been arrested on 47 college and university campuses. The figures are based on AP reporting and statements from universities and law enforcement agencies.

The protests stem from the Israel-Hamas conflict that started on October 7 when Hamas militants attacked southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking roughly 250 hostages.

AP video by Eugene Garcia


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