Star Wars characters entertain travelers in Sunghan Airport, Taiwan

(4 May 2024)
Taipei City, Taiwan – 04 May 2024
1. Wide of Star Wars fans gathering at Sungshan Airport in Taipei City, Taiwan
2. Various of Star Wars fans in group photo
3. Various of Star Wars character R2D2 robot
4. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Makoto Tsai, Taiwan Star Wars event attendee:
“Actually in Star Wars, the main character is Darth Vader. This is why we have many dressed as Darth Vader today. Darth Vader and R2D2. There is a funny joke within Star Wars that says R2D2 is the real main character, because without it, the main character would have died several times. So, R2D2 should be the chosen one.”
5. Various of people dressed as Darth Vader and Strom Troopers
6. SOUNDBITE (English), Suzie Nishiyama, teacher:
“It is supposed to be strong security (at the airport), but… I mean it’s interesting, so funny to see someone doing cosplay in the airport. It’s the first time for me to see something like this. So, yeah, it’s really funny. I think it’s so Taiwan, like people just relax and do whatever they want. They do what they like, and I really love that part of Taiwan.”
7. Various of Storm Troopers dancing and interacting with a boy
8. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Leo, Star Wars fan:
“I think they are really cool. I think they are just like in the movies. And their guns are really cool. And I think the way they speak is very special.”
9. Various of fan showing off his self-made lightsaber
10. Various of Storm Troopers
Star Wars fans dressed as characters in the movie franchise surprised travelers in Taipei Songshan Airport Saturday afternoon for their annual World Star Wars Day of May 4.

People at the airport posed for selfies with the Star Wars characters as they showed up in the departure hall of the airport.

In the departure hall, Storm Troopers holding blasters (Storm Troopers’ weapon) interacted with travelers.

Suzie Nishiyama, a teacher, noted it was surprising seeing characters in the airport:

"It’s the first time for me to see something like this. So, yeah, it’s really funny. I think it’s so Taiwan, like people just relax and do whatever they want. They do what they like, and I really love that part of Taiwan," she said.

Leo Chen, a 8-year-old young Star Wars fan also shows off his self-made paper lightsaber.


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