Brazil’s president addresses supporters on Worker’s Day

(1 May 2024)

Itaquera, São Paulo, SP, Brasil – 01 May 2024
1. Various of Brazilian President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva entering the stage and interacting with his supporters
2. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazilian President:
“What’s important is that inflation is decreasing, economic growth is happening, and the industry has resumed investing in Brazil. The automotive industry has announced an investment of 129 billion reais (about $24.8 billion) to (Vice Presdient Geraldo) Alckmin and me at ANFAVEA (National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers), something that hadn’t happened in over 40 years in Brazil.”
3. Lula signing a decree related to income tax laws
4. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazilian President:
"I reminded you of my promise that by the end of my term, no one earning up to 5,000 reais (about $962.44) would pay income tax. And I reaffirm to you, that promise stands. Starting today, those earning 2,864 reais ($551.29) are exempt from income tax, and we will still reach 5,000 ($962.44)."
5. Lula signing decree related to domestic workers’ labor law
6. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazilian President:
"If a young person aged 14, 15, or 16 drops out of school because they have to work, this country will never become a developed nation. So we made the decision to create a ‘savings account’ for these young people, which will reach 9,000 reais ($1,732.40) at the end of three years. We will provide 200 reais ($38.50) per month for 10 months. If, after this period, they have passed the exam and attended 80% of the classes, they will receive 1,000 reais ($192.49)."
7. Lula thanking his supporters by shouting (Portuguese) ‘Tomorrow is work!’
8. Union supporters raising flags after Lula’s speech.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva attended a Labor Day rally in Sao Paulo on Wednesday and ratified a law that extends the exemption of income tax to those earning up to two minimum wages per month, the equivalent of approximately $544.

The traditional event, organized by a joint effort of different workers Unions took place for the first time in the parking lot of the Corinthians Stadium, the home venue of the soccer team the president supports.

In his speech, Lula presented a summary of the government’s actions to create jobs and recover the minimum wage in an attempt to reduce the gap between rich and poor in the country.

Workers’ unions are a crucial support base for Lula, who rose to prominence as a union leader and hails from a humble background.

Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world, with 63% of the country’s wealth in the hands of 1% of the population, according to an Oxfam report released in January this year.

AP video by Felipe Campos Mello


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