A city proud of its role in facing down hatred confronts a new wave of violence

(24 Sep 2024)

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
1. Nicole Smith writing on sign
2. Wide view of Hush Lounge
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Nicole Smith, Birmingham resident:
“We’ve always had gun violence in Birmingham, but now I think it’s become a little bit more severe because, you know, things happen everywhere. But I think right now with the city of Birmingham, it’s becoming a bit much.”
4. Close up of sign at shooting scene
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Nicole Smith, Birmingham resident:
“It’s affecting our neighborhood pretty badly because, I mean, we’re taking away fathers at their homes and taking away mothers, daughters, nieces, nephews. We’re taking away people’s lives. And I don’t know, it just it puts a really bad, dark cloud on the city.”

Birmingham, Alabama – 24 September 2024
6. Various of mayor addressing city council
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Banks, Birmingham resident:
“Very traumatic because I sons and I have daughters that in that age range too and a little older. So they’re out at a club scene at nighttime too, some of the same clubs. They could have been there.”

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
8. Signs hanging on rail at Hush Lounge

Birmingham, Alabama – 24 September 2024
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Banks, Birmingham resident:
“They see this every day. It’s just 21 people ain’t get shot. Maybe two, maybe three, maybe one. But they hear these bullets. They hear this gunfire every single day.”

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
10. View above flowers and candles

Birmingham, Alabama – 24 September 2024
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Banks, Birmingham resident:
“Because any time you got assault rifles, anytime you can make a handgun turn into an assault weapon, then there’s no sense in saying this is a Magic City, the Magic City is a tragic city now. And we got too many youth disappear.”

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
12. Wide view of memorial at Hush Lounge

Birmingham, Alabama – 24 September 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Banks, Birmingham resident:
“I’m from Birmingham, and to be honest with you, Birmingham has turned to murder-ham and we don’t get a grip on what’s to come or what’s happening right now, we ain’t going to have no Birmingham. It ain’t going to be no Birmingham because Birmingham youth is not going to be here.”

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
14. Close up of memorial signs

Birmingham, Alabama – 23 September 2024
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Mayor Randall Woodfin, (D) Birmingham:
“At this point in our country, this is more than solvable. And it is unfortunate that innocent people’s lives, elders, seniors, children, or in our case, young people just standing in line at a club have to continue to be shot and or killed.”
16. Park near Hush Lounge
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Christie Oliver, Birmingham resident:
“Oh, it’s going to affect the area bad. It’s going to be a lot of police presence. Nobody’s going to want to come to this area anymore. I wouldn’t.”
18. Keep Birmingham Beautiful sign
19. Police car on street
20. Close up of memorial
There was a time, not so very long ago, when this city earned the nickname “Bombingham,” renowned for senseless violence and its strength in confronting the racial hatred that fueled it.

To put the violence in Birmingham into perspective, it helps to compare it to other cities as well as its own past.

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News post in September 30, 2024, 12:04 am.

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