Machinists on strike react to Boeing’s contract offer that bypassed negotiating team

(24 Sep 2024)

Renton, Washington – 24 September 2024
1. Various of picketing
2. SOUNDBITE (English) John Lentz, Boeing worker:
"I think by them just trying to bypass our negotiating team that seems to be kind of shady there. Right? Because, I mean, we do have people that’s in place to negotiate for us as well. And so that way they can kind of go over those things. But that that itself I mean, you know, in the sense of not respecting our our negotiating team to do that and bypass them and trying to get directly to the members, that’s not how it should be done, right?"
3. Various of picketing
4. SOUNDBITE (English) John Reifel, Boeing worker:
"That’s cowardly. That’s just the corporation playing games. You know, it was pretty shocking to see it on the news myself. And we had received nothing from the union yet. So it’s just another game. I’ll leave it at that.”
5. Various of picketing
6. SOUNDBITE (English) John Reifel, Boeing worker:
"I’m not going to think about anything on the word of mouth or on a handshake. We want it in writing. We need to review it because something that’s not talked about is all the fine print. Right? We need to look at what’s been scratched out or what’s been changed. It’s all there. But when they just throw out that this what might look good to the public, you know, just to try to make us look like we’re greedy when we’re not we’re not greedy. Yeah, we, I have quite a unique occupation here. There’s nothing like it. So we just want to be compensated fairly."
7. Various of planes under construction
8. SOUNDBITE (English) John Reifel, Boeing worker:
"And we’re not just what people might think are machinists standing in front of a machine letting a computer do the work for us. It’s not like that. We’ve got a large group of brothers and sisters from maintaining facilities so that we can do the work to people who who put together the parts pre-assembled form, make them available for the mechanics to put them in there to quality to those on the flight line that make sure that that airplane is ready to fly off in its first flight 100% perfect every time."
9. Various of picketing

Boeing is giving the union representing striking factory workers more time to consider a revised contract offer with bigger pay increases and more bonus money, but it was unclear Tuesday whether the union would schedule a ratification vote on the proposal.

On picket lines in the Pacific Northwest, strikers said the company’s latest contract proposal isn’t good enough.

And both the union and many of its members complained about the way Boeing bypassed the union in publicizing the offer. Some workers said it was an unfair attempt to make them look greedy.

“By them just trying to bypass our negotiating team, that seems to be kind of shady there,” John Lentz, a striking Boeing worker said. “We do have people that are in place to negotiate for us.”

Boeing’s new “best and final” offer includes pay raises of 30% over four years, up from 25% in a deal that 33,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers overwhelmingly rejected when they voted to strike.

In the face of opposition from the union, Boeing backed down from a demand that workers vote on the new offer by Friday night, but the company still wants a vote.

“This strike is affecting our team and our communities, and we believe our employees should have the opportunity to vote on our offer that makes significant improvements in wages and benefits,” the company said in a statement.

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News post in September 30, 2024, 12:04 am.

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