Portuguese tell stories of loss and solidarity following devastating fires

(20 Sep 2024)

20 September 2024 – road between Sever do Vouga and Albergaria-a-Velha
1.Various of burned landscape

20 September 2024 – Albergaria-A-Velha
2. Various of burned palm trees
3. Various of burned cars inside family house yard
4. Various of destroyed garden, leisure area and pool area
5. low shot of statue and house on the other side of street
6. Various of neighbours together talking about the fire
7. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Cátia Céu, daughter of owners of damaged property:
“This was a little oasis, an area that my father was very proud of, that he built stone by stone, palm tree by palm tree, it was like one of those landscapes we sometimes only see in magazines so it was a green space, a beautiful space.”
8. Close of statue
9. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Catia Céu, daughter of owners of damaged property:
“On one hand I am thankful that we were not here. To experience this while away was devastating, but if we were here I cannot even imagine. At this point it’s all about pure solidarity, this is what we have been having here on the day and the days that followed. It has been a feeling of great solidarity among neighbours. It has always been like this, since ever, I grew up here with all these people.”
10. Various of burned gym and pool area
11. Statues
12. Tilt up from burned statue and car to other side of the road and burned house
13. Mid of resident Maria Elvira with grand-daughter
14. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Maria Elvira Graça, 82-year-old resident:
“It was falling, falling, the fire from the palm trees. It was like tongues of fire. On the roof, everywhere. I thought ‘Oh my god, I am going to die here’. I was alone, I was by myself."
15. Close of Maria Elvira
16. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Maria Elvira Graça, 82-year-old resident:
“It was something unbelievable, I didn’t expect this, so quick, it was horrible, so much fire, so black, so quick, I don’t know how it happened.”
17. Close of window
18. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Maria Elvira Graça, 82-year-old resident:
“There was no one, suddenly this man comes from the house on the other side, there was a wall and he cut the fence of the wall to grab me and take me to the other side.”
19. Cutaway
20. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Maria Elvira Graça, 82-year-old resident:
“Thank god I’m alive, the rest I don’t care. A lot was destroyed yes, but everybody helped, everybody was friends with one another, a boy jumped on the rough and poured water so that the fire wouldn’t spread more so it wouldn’t burn more. A lot was ruined, but I don’t care what was lost, I won’t live long enough to enjoy what was lost or what is still here, so I don’t care.”
21. Various of Maria Elvira speaking with neighbours in street
As Portugal is still coming to terms with the devastating fires that gripped the country this week, the government called on a national day of mourning for all the victims on Friday.

Dozens of areas have been affected in the northern and central districts of Porto and Aveiro.

Albergaria-a-Velha was at the epicenter of one of the biggest fires in Aveiro.

The area is no stranger to forest fires but these usually don’t come into the city center and tend to stay in the wildland areas or industrial sites.

However this time, the fire affected residential areas and local businesses. One of them was a central street where a strong community of people live.

According to the stories of that night, it was through resilience and solidarity that neighbours, friends and strangers kept everyone alive and managed to contain some damage.

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News post in September 25, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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