Despite narrow state election win, what are Chancellor Scholz’s political prospects? DW News

Germany’s Social Democrats have pulled off a narrow election win in the eastern state of Brandenburg. Polls had given the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) the edge. But in a record turnout, voters gave the most support to the ruling SPD, the party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which gained 30.9% over the AfD’s 29.2%. A victory more so for the Chancellor’s party, less so for the chancellor himself. Nevertheless, Social Democrat state premier Dietmar Woidke said the AfD’s gains were alarming.

Chapter Breakdown
0:00 Germany’s center-left Social Democrats (SPD) narrowly edges past the far-right Alternative for Germany in Brandenburg regional elections
3:12 DW’s Chief Political Editor Michaela Küfner, currently in New York, discusses how Scholz’s SPD party’s regional victory is being perceived outside Germany
6:22 Kai Arzheimer, Political Scientist at the University of Mainz, analyzes German Chancellor and SPD leader Olaf Scholz’ political prospects leading up to the 2025 elections


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News post in September 23, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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