Renewed stability boosts large turnout at Baghdad’s annual book fair

(17 Sep 2024)



LENGTH: 2:54

Baghdad, Iraq – 14 September 2024
1. Book titles with pictures of Russian President Vladimir Putin on display at Baghdad International Book Fair
2. Various of visitors at the fair
3. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abdul-Wahab al-Radhi, head of the organizing committee of the book fair:
"The number of book titles registered in our system for this year’s event was 1,000,680, which is considered a very large number compared to previous fairs held here, and perhaps even compared to those on a regional scale."

4. Various of visitors picking up books
5. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abdul-Wahab al-Radhi, head of the organizing committee of the book fair:
"In recent years, we have seen mass public attendance at the Baghdad Book Fair, as well as participation from Arab and foreign participants, thanks to the improved security situation. This indeed has a positive impact."

6. Various of booths of foreign countries
7. Various of visitors buying books
8. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mudher Shuber, participant with a publishing house from London:
"We traveled thousands of miles to participate in this cultural festival, building on our previous successful contributions. We brought a large number of books, anticipating a significant turnout of readers, especially young university students."

9. Various of book titles on shelves
10. Wide of visitors at fair
11. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ahmad al-Rekabi, visitor from Baghdad:
"All Iraqis should come! Dear citizens, please come, buy or read as many books as you can. Reading impacts your work, your understanding, your thinking, your creativity, and even your spontaneous speaking. All of these are influenced by reading."

12. Various of women at the Egyptian book section
13. Various of exteriors of Baghdad International Book Fair
Baghdad’s annual book fair is seeing a large number of visitors this year, which organizers attribute to the improved security and stability in the country.

"Iraq is Reading" was the title chosen for this year’s Baghdad International Book Fair.

More than a million book titles from over 21 countries have been registered at the fair this year, according to Abdul-Wahab al-Radhi, the head of the fair’s organizing committee.

The fair also hosts several Arab writers, poets and thinkers, who are holding discussion panels, book signings, and other exhibitions and events.

Ahmad al-Rekabi, a visitor from Baghdad, called on other Iraqis to attend the book fair, saying "reading impacts your work, your understanding, your thinking, your creativity, and even your spontaneous speaking."

Baghdad boasts a literary heritage dating back to the Abbasid era, from the 9th to the 13th century.

"Cairo writes, Beirut publishes, and Baghdad reads," goes a renowned Arab proverb that praises Iraqis’ appetite for reading.

The 25th Baghdad International Book Fair is being held from Sept. 12 to 22.

AP video shot by Ali Jabar


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News post in September 22, 2024, 9:03 am.

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