A New York woman is challenging Miss America, Miss World rules banning mothers from beauty pageants

(16 Sep 2024)

New York – 16 September 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Gloria Allred, attorney:
"Our client, Danielle Hazel wanted to apply to enter both the Miss America and Miss World beauty pageants. When she read the eligibility requirements for both pageants however, she realized that because she is the mother of a six year old child, that she would not be eligible to compete simply because she has a child who is legally dependent on her."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Gloria Allred, attorney:
"The Miss World eligibility requirements states that to be eligible for this pageant, a woman must be, quote, unmarried, have no children and not pregnant, end quote. The Miss America eligibility requirements states that a person must have, quote, no legal dependents, end quote. We believe that these eligibility requirements discriminate against women who are parents in violation of the law in New York."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Danielle Hazel, claimant:
"At 19 years old, I had my son Zion, and it was one of the greatest gifts of my entire life. I did not want or planned to give up on my dreams of being part of a pageant and representing my my country or my aspirations after I became a mother. But I actually felt more motivated because of having my son to make him proud and to be able to represent other mothers."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Danielle Hazel, claimant:
"Well, my hope is that they’re able to see that the rules do need to be changed because they’re not fair and they are outdated. And so I hope that does get resolved. And I hope there is a resolution where mothers and people who are married are allowed to enter the pageant."
A New York woman is challenging the longstanding rules of Miss America and Miss World that disqualify mothers from their beauty pageants.

Danielle Hazel said Monday that she’s always dreamed of entering the competitions but was devastated to learn that she’s no longer eligible because she had a son when she was just 19 years old.

“I did not want or planned to give up on my dreams of being part of a pageant and representing my my country or my aspirations after I became a mother,” she said, speaking at the Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument in New York’s Central Park.

Hazel’s lawyer, Gloria Allred, said a complaint sent Monday to the city’s Commission on Human Rights seeks an end to the requirements because they deny and exclude mothers from an “important business and cultural opportunity” simply because of their status as parents.

“As we stated in Danielle‘s filed complaint, this exclusion is degrading to Danielle as it is based upon the antiquated stereotype that women cannot be both a mother and be beautiful, poised, passionate, talented and philanthropic,” Allred said.

Spokespersons for the Miss America and Miss World pageant organizations didn’t immediately respond to emails seeking comment Monday. A spokesperson for the human rights commission said the agency does not comment on open investigations.

Allred noted that she previously had success challenging a similar rule for a California mother denied eligibility to compete in the Miss California pageant, which is part of the Miss Universe and Miss USA organizations.

The discrimination complaint filed by Andrea Quiroga with the California Civil Rights Department prompted Miss Universe to eliminate its 70-year-old rule, which was imposed worldwide through its affiliated organizations, Allred said.


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News post in September 22, 2024, 12:04 am.

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