Mothers of detained protesters in Venezuela fear for their future

(13 Sep 2024)

Caracas, Venezuela – 13 September 2024
1. Mothers of Moises Ramirez, 16 (right) and Daiber Lucena, 16 (left) showing their pictures outside detention center
2. Mothers holding banner reading: "Our sons are not terrorists"
3. Mother crying as they speak to the press
4. Pan of mothers, ending with Maria Navas, mother of 16 year-old detained
5. Navas showing picture of her son, Daiber Lucena
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Maria Navas, mother of detained adolescent:
“When I go in (to see him), he hugged me and I feel his heart beating hard. I still have to take because if he sees me like this inside, he would have a breakdown. Then when the visit is over, they say, ‘I want to go with my mother,’ and that is something that only mothers can understand what we are going through”.
7. Various of facade of detention center
8. Various of Theany Urbina, manicurist, showing photo of her son, Miguel Urbina and a letter he wrote to his sisters
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Theanys Urbina, mother of 16 year-old detained:
“I feel like I’m in hell right now, a nightmare that I want to get out of. I have cried too much, I have neglected his sisters because while I have to go to court and all that kind of stuff I have not paid due attention to my other daughters because my heart and soul are here and I don’t know what is going to happen to my son.”
10. Various of police officials outside detention center
The mothers of eight adolescents detained for partaking in the post-election protests in Venezuela on Friday expressed their despair and sadness.

Like many of the adult protesters, the minors have been detained under terrorism charges.

Thousands of people took to the streets across Venezuela hours after ruling party-loyal electoral authorities declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the election.

Maduro and his ruling party allies, who controlled all aspects of government in the South American government, responded to the demonstrations with full force, carrying out arbitrary detentions, prosecutions as well as a campaign that encourages people to report relatives, neighbors and other acquaintances who participated in the protests or cast doubt on the results.

Outside a detention center in Caracas, mothers of 8 teenagers detained called the press to speak up as uncertainty and desperation build up without a clear answer of how much longer their sons will remain incarcerated.

Dozens have been released already –according to local NGOs, but some remain under arrest.

Maria Navas holds picture of her 16 year-old son, Daiber Lucena, recounts the despair she felt when she didn’t found her son among a group of 15 teenagers recently released.

"When the visit is over they say “I want to go with my mother” and that is something that only mothers know what we are going through”, said Navas.

Miguel Urbina, the eldest of Theany Urbina’s children is also detained there. He gave his mother a latter he wrote for her sisters. "Sisters I love you and I miss you. I’ll see you soon over there", he wrote.

His mum told the Associated Press that she has not been able to take better care of her daughters for being fully invested to her detained son.

In the days after the election, Venezuelan security forces rounded up more than 2,000 people, including dozens of children, journalists, political leaders, campaign staffers and an attorney defending protesters.

AP video by Juan Arraez


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News post in September 18, 2024, 9:00 pm.

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