Southern California resident returns home to inspect wildfire destruction

(12 Sep 2024)

El Cariso Village, California – 12 September 2024
1. Wide of fire damaged backyard
2. Various of Matt Howe looking over fire destruction in his backyard
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Howe, El Cariso Village resident:
"You know, for us, it’s tough. You know, we lost a lot of, you know, holiday stuff, Christmas, you know, obviously decorations, we don’t have anything for Christmas. we lost, you know, kids stuff, tools. But you know, fortunate that’s just a garage that we can rebuild, and tools we can replace. Yeah, it’s devastating coming back to the neighborhood because I heard we lost 40 homes. It’s tough being two of the homes survived are ours, you know, and seeing a lot of good neighbors and good friends not have homes anymore. That’s the toughest part, honestly. It hurts inside because I know there for a while we didn’t think we had home to come home to as well. And we’re just over the moon that we have a place to sleep at night.”
4. Wide of Matt Howe looking over destruction on his property
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Howe, El Cariso Village resident:
"You know, the small community we have up here, we hear about them, especially during fire season they are every – it almost seems every other week or at least once a month, and you almost get callous to them, you know, like the fire the fire department gets callous to them, you know, But this one just came so fast. I don’t think, I don’t think anybody was prepared to move as fast as they did come, which, you know, unfortunately led a lot of people to leave their belongings behind and get out with what they could. Like, for us, it was tough. We left our pigs behind and our chickens and turkeys, and we’re just glad that they made it. You know, we’re really, we’re really fortunate."
6. Various of burned cars in El Cariso Village
California is only now heading into the teeth of the wildfire season but already has seen nearly three times as much acreage burn than during all of 2023.

Matt Howe, 37, a resident of El Cariso Village saw a portion of his house scorched from one of the wildfires.

Howe feels fortunate that he has a roof over his family tonight, he laments the damage the fire has done to his neighborhood. He said, "I heard we lost 40 homes, and you know, it’s tough being two of the homes survived are ours, you know, and seeing a lot of good neighbors and good friends not have homes anymore.

In El Cariso Village, a community of 250 along Highway 74 in Riverside County, an Associated Press photographer saw at least 10 homes and several cars engulfed in flames. More than 5,500 homes in Riverside County were under evacuation orders, affecting more than 19,000 residents.
AP Video shot by: Gregory Bull


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News post in September 18, 2024, 12:04 am.

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