East Timor prepares for visit of Pope Francis

(9 Sep 2024)

Dili, East Timor – 8 September 2024
1. Wide of beach with Christ the King statue on top of hill
2. Various of close of statue
3. Various of beach scenes
4. Wide of coconut sellers
5. East Timor and Vatican flags next to road
6. Wide of road by the riverfront
7. Close of sign welcoming Pope Francis
8. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Fátima Correia, 40-year-old Catholic faithful:
“Yes I really want to (see the Pope). His Holiness is someone with great humanity and affection. I really want to see his holiness.”
9. Various of Vicente Oliveira with his family having coconuts
10.SOUNDBITE (English) Vicente Oliveira Soares, 42-year-old, owner of a digital printing business:
“This is the second visit from a Pope, before the first visit was 12th October 1989 this is the second one, but that was a different time. When the first visit of Pope II John (referring to John Paul II) we were occupied by Indonesia but now we are happy because we are free, we as a new nation we are very happy to receive and to meet with Pope Francis.”
11. Various of fruit market
12. Fish seller
13. Close of fish seller with a t-shirt depicting Prime Minister Xana Gusmao
14. Wide of Estevao Tei Fernandes
15. East Timor flag
SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Estevão Tei Fernandes, University professor:
“Fortunately within 24 years of independence and 25 years of the restoration of independence this year we have important events and we have a new visit of his holiness Pope Francis, our great hope is that he may come to consolidate the fraternity, the national unity, peace and development for this new country.”
16. Tilt down from church to area being cordoned off near the Nunciature
17. Various of Nunciature
18. Various of East Timor and Vatican flags
19. Wide of area next to riverfront
20. Military police

East Timor’s capital, Dili, was preparing on Sunday to welcome Pope Francis to the small Southeast Asian country on Monday.

Francis has already covered the first two legs of his September 2-13 trip to Southeast Asia and Oceania, having visited Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, and is scheduled to arrive to East Timor from Port Moresby on Monday.

The Papal visit is a prime opportunity to shine the world’s attention on East Timor, the youngest country in Asia.

Out of East Timor’s 1.3 million population, 97% or some 1.26 million identify as Catholic, making it the ‎country with the highest percentage of Catholics outside of Vatican City.

AP Video shot by: Helena Alves and Syawalludin Zain


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News post in September 14, 2024, 3:04 am.

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