Trump and Harris neck and neck ahead of their first presidential debate | DW News

Tuesday night’s TV debate will be the first-ever face-to-face meeting between Vice-President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. At the moment, it’s the only scheduled debate that both campaigns have agreed to. With the latest polls showing that the two candidates are neck-and-neck contest, there’s a lot at stake. Since many pundits are predicting that November’s result will be decided by small numbers of voters in half a dozen key battleground states, swaying those viewers could prove decisive.

Allan Lichtman, Distinguished Professor of History at American University, is the author of the book "Predicting the Next President" and has correctly predicted 9 out of the 10 elections going back to 1984. He gives his assessment of the upcoming elections.


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News post in September 10, 2024, 12:04 am.

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