Three shot dead at West Bank-Jordan border crossing | DW News

Israeli officials say three people have been killed in a shooting attack at a border crossing between the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jordan.
Israel’s military says a gunman approached the Allenby Bridge border crossing from the Jordanian side in a truck and opened fire at security forces, who killed the assailant in a shootout. Three Israeli civilian guards were killed at the crossing, which is also known as the King Hussein Bridge. Jordan’s Interior Ministry says it is investigating the shooting.
Jordan made peace with Israel in 1994 but is fiercely critical of its policies toward the Palestinians. More than half of Jordanian citizens are of Palestinian descent, and many still have family ties to people in the occupied West Bank or Gaza.

00:00 Shooting at West Bank-Jordan border
00:48 DW’s Emily Gordine reports from Jerusalem


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News post in September 8, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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