Minor scuffles break out in Tel Aviv between police and anti-government protesters demanding a hosta

(31 Aug 2024)

Tel Aviv, Israel – 31 August 2024
1. Police on horseback trying to clear protesters from road
2. Protester holding up poster in front of mounted policeman
3. Various of police pushing protesters
4. Protesters breaking through police line
5. Police on horseback galloping by
6. Police arguing with woman, protesters chanting over fence UPSOUND (Hebrew) "Shame on you!"
7. Protesters chanting UPSOUND (Hebrew) "Deal – now! For every single one of them!"

Minor scuffles broke out on Saturday in Tel Aviv between police and protesters demanding a deal to release the remaining hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

Thousands of Israelis took to the streets of the capital to voice their anger against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding new elections and a deal for the release of the remaining hostages being held in Gaza.

The United States, Qatar and Egypt have spent months trying to mediate a cease-fire that would see the remaining hostages released.

But the talks have repeatedly bogged down as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed “total victory” over Hamas and the militant group has demanded a lasting cease-fire and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the territory.

Officials close to the negotiations have said Israel wants to maintain a military presence in a narrow buffer zone along the Gaza-Egypt border it calls the Philadelphi corridor and in an area it carved out that cuts off northern Gaza from the south, known as the Netzarim corridor.

Many Israelis blame Netanyahu for lack of progress in reaching a deal to bring the remaining hostages home accusing him of wanting to remain in power.

AP Video shot by Shlomo Mor


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News post in September 5, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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