Prosecutors allege criminal activity on Telegram, opens investigation on CEO | DW News

Questions are swirling in the tech world following the announcement of a formal investigation into whether Pavel Durov, the head of the popular messaging app Telegram, failed to curb illegal activities on the platform, which has nearly a billion users.
Today, the European Commission announced it was also looking into whether Telegram was in compliance with the EU’s new digital services laws. Durov, who was detained in Paris this week, is suspected by French authorities of complicity in allowing illicit transactions, images of child sexual abuse, and drug trafficking on Telegram.
The case has sparked a heated debate about the limits of digital freedom of speech. French lawyers say it is ‘unprecedented’ for an individual to be held criminally liable for what users do on a tech platform.

00:00 Prosecutors allege criminal activity on Telegram
01:15 Eva Galperin, Electronic Frontier Foundation

#telegram #investigations #france

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News post in August 30, 2024, 3:04 am.

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