Underwater yoga offers some UAE residents serenity and a cool escape from the summer heat

(14 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 4:45

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 1 August 2024
1. Instructor doing a headstand underwater
2. Various of students doing headstands
3. Instructor signaling to student
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Amr Anwar, a licensed Professional Association of Diving Instructors course director:
"The mutual benefit of yoga and diving is that they’re both relaxing; it feels like a meditation underwater. Sometimes in scuba diving, divers feel extremely relaxed. So when we connect yoga and scuba diving together, the one thing they have in common is that they both make people feel relaxed. So I decided to combine them in one activity."

5. Students doing the butterfly pose
6. Instructor demonstrating underwater poses
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Amr Anwar, a licensed Professional Association of Diving Instructors course director:
"Secondly, beginners in yoga who want to do some poses, which are very difficult in real life, will find them much easier underwater. For example, the headstand is known to be one of the toughest positions to achieve in yoga, but underwater it’s so much easier."

8. Various of instructor demonstrating poses
9. Various of instructor and students doing poses
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Valeriia Sharhorodska, underwater yoga student:
"Actually, it sounds fun when I heard about yoga underwater, so I’m like ‘ok, let’s try it’. It was actually fun. I like to do yoga usually in the gym. So I finished my diving and tried this yoga underwater. It was not easy, so even – you can do it as a beginner but you still need to balance."

11. Instructor demonstrating pose to students
12. Various of students lying on their back with legs extended above them
13. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Amr Hassan, underwater yoga student:
"I feel a lot of stress from work, from sitting in the office, and from the workload. Underwater yoga with Captain Amr was very relaxing, especially the headstand pose because you feel like you’re getting oxygen flow to your brain. Underwater yoga also makes you feel very isolated with zero gravity, and you feel more relaxed."

14. Various of students stretching each other
15. Students lying at the bottom of the pool
Underwater yoga has been the perfect escape for some residents of the United Arab Emirates seeking relief from the summer heat.

A scuba diving course director devised a creative way to attract more people to diving as a means to destress and get a much-needed break from the heat—underwater yoga.

"The mutual benefit of yoga and diving is that they’re both relaxing; it feels like a meditation underwater," said Amr Anwar, a licensed Professional Association of Diving Instructors course director.

He added that doing some yoga poses could be very difficult for beginners in real life, but the same moves are much easier underwater.

"For example, the headstand is known to be one of the toughest positions to achieve in yoga, but underwater it’s so much easier," Anwar added.

He explained that creating the course was a way to introduce more people to both yoga and diving.

Students have already started trying out the new course, some of whom are already yoga enthusiasts such as Valeriia Sharhorodska, who recently got her yoga certification.

I like to do yoga usually in the gym. So I finished my diving and tried this yoga underwater," Sharhorodska said after trying her first class.

But Anwar says you don’t need to be a diver to try out this class.

AP Video shot by Malak Harb

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News post in August 19, 2024, 9:04 am.

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