Protesters storm official residence of Bangladesh prime minister after her resignation

(6 Aug 2024)

Dhaka, Bangladesh – 5 August 2024
1. Aerials of people gathered on the road and at the Prime Minister’s residence ++MUTE++
2. Aerial of smoke rising from Bangabandhu Memorial Museum (also known as Bangabandhu Bhaban or Dhanmondi 32) ++MUTE++
3. Various of a vehicle burning on the grounds of the Prime Minister’s residence
4. Bangabandhu Memorial Museum on fire ++OVERLAID WITH SOUNDBITE SHOT5++
5. SOUNDBITE (Bangla) Nahid Islam, coordinator of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement:
“Now, it is our duty to ensure security of people’s lives and public assets. We once again urge all countrymen to take a stance in a peaceful manner and without any envy. Make preparations to work on building the country.”
6. People carrying items from the Prime Minister’s residence
7. Wide of people celebrating, carrying Bangladeshi flags
8. Mid of a vehicle burning
9. Protesters throwing a statue into fire
10. People inside Prime Minister’s residence
11. People sitting on a sofa in grounds of Prime Minister’s residence
12. Various of army vehicles on road AUDIO of people clapping
13. Wide of smoke rising
14. Burned vehicle
15. Wide of a man carrying a piece of furniture on his head from Prime Ministers residence
16. People carrying out furniture from Prime Minister’s residence
Bangladesh’s prime minister resigned and fled the country Monday, after weeks of protests against a quota system for government jobs descended into violence and grew into a broader challenge to her 15-year rule.

Thousands of demonstrators stormed her official residence and other buildings associated with her party and family.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s departure threatens to create even more instability in the densely populated nation on India’s border that is already dealing with a series of crises, from high unemployment and corruption to climate change.

After the embattled leader was seen on TV boarding a military helicopter with her sister, the country’s military chief, Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman, sought to reassure a jittery nation that order would be restored.

He said he met with opposition politicians and civil society leaders and would seek the president’s guidance on forming an interim government.

He promised that the military would launch an investigation into the deadly crackdown on student-led protests that led to some of the country’s worst bloodshed since the 1971 war of independence and fueled outrage against the government.

Even after Waker-uz-Zaman spoke, people continued to pour into and out of Hasina’s official residence, taking furniture and pulling raw fish from the refrigerators.

Crowds also ransacked Hasina’s family’s ancestral home-turned-museum where her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman — the country’s first president and independence leader — was assassinated.

They torched major offices of the ruling party and the country’s two leading, pro-government TV stations — both of which were forced to go off air.

The protests began peacefully last month as frustrated students demanded an end to a quota system for government jobs that they said favored those with connections to the prime minister’s Awami League party, but the demonstrations then morphed into an unprecedented challenge to Hasina and the party.

AP Video by Al Emrun Garjon and Piyush Nagpal


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News post in August 11, 2024, 6:04 am.

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