Trump turns his full focus on Harris at first rally since Biden’s exit from 2024 race

(25 Jul 2024)

Charlotte, North Carolina – 24 July 2024
1. Various of Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump taking the stage
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) Presidential nominee:
"As you know, three days ago, we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our country. Crooked Joe Biden. He quit because he was losing so badly in the polls. He was down in every single poll and down by a lot. So he quit.”
3. Wide of crowd waving signs
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) Presidential nominee:
“So now we have a new victim to defeat. Lyin’ Kamala Harris, lyin’, l, y, i, n, apostrophe. The most incompetent and far left vice president in American history. By the way, they did a poll. She was rated the worst vice president in history. I’ve never seen that poll before, but that’s the poll.”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Glenn Hughes, resident of Indian Land, South Carolina:
“I don’t like the way things have been going under the Biden administration. And why have another four years under the Harris administration, which is just a carbon copy of Biden.”
6. Wide of crowd
7. Zoom shot of rally attendee Melissa Westbrook
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Melissa Westbrook, resident of Raleigh, North Carolina:
“I bought into Trump in 2015 because he was an outsider. He is a successful business man, he has had success and failure. And the best way to learn is to fail and pull yourself out of it. So, I just knew that he was going to do a good job for us. And he has shown over and over and over again how much he cares about the American people.”
9. Zoom of crowd
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) Presidential nominee:
“I was supposed to be nice. They say something happened to me when I got shot. I became nice. And when you’re dealing with these people, they’re very dangerous people. When you’re dealing with them, you can’t be too nice. You really can’t be. So if you don’t mind, I’m not going to be nice. Is that okay? They want me to be nice.”
11. Medium of crowd waving signs
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) Presidential nominee:
“She co-sponsored the $100 trillion Green New scam with the goal of completely abolishing the oil, coal and natural gas industries, which would reduce the United States to a third world country. No more oil, no more gasoline. Good luck with your electric car that goes for about 45 minutes before you have to get it.”
13. SOUNDBITE (English) David Jazbec, resident of Denver, North Carolina:
“By drilling here. We’re actually refining fuel in the most cleanest way possible, as opposed to what we’ve been doing in the last 3 or 4 years where we’re still getting refined oil, but it’s coming from the worst emissions in the world.”
14. Zoom of Donald Trump ending speech, UPSOUND (English) Donald Trump, (R) Presidential nominee:
“Thank you, North Carolina. Thank you.”

AP video shot by Erik Verduzco
Donald Trump has unleashed a barrage of attack lines against his likely new opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

At a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday he called her his “new victim to defeat” and accused Harris of deceiving the public about President Joe Biden’s ability to run for a second term before he withdrew his reelection bid.

The rally was Trump’s first public campaign event since Biden dropped out of the 2024 matchup that both major parties had spent months preparing for. It signaled the next phase of the campaign may be especially brutal and personal. Harris’ campaign called the speech “unhinged” and “rambling.” 

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News post in July 30, 2024, 6:04 am.

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